Just under a week to go…

So am I ready?

Of course not – this is me and the last minute panic is compulsory as anyone who knows me will attest! But I am looking forward to it in lots of ways, especially as I have been building up to it for so long.

So what’s been happening over the last month or so? Nothing as worthy of blogging as the dog incident but thankfully now the bike has been fixed I have been able to get in a few longer rides. The gel saddle has proved a valuable asset increasing saddle time considerably!

Hills are still proving the biggest struggle though I have made noticeable improvements and can now get further before having to take in a ‘viewpoint’ to get my breath back. I am wondering whether it is cheating to walk up some of the steeper hills on the ride. Answers on a postcard on that one!!

The fundraising has been going really well and I am pleased to report that I have now exceeded my target of £1100 which is very exciting. I am keen to press on though as I think I can do better than that and I want to raise as much as I can for this good cause. If you haven’t yet sponsored me please do so using the ‘Sponsor Me’ link on the right of the page!

So, the bike is getting serviced, the shorts are going to be packed, the arrangements are being made, energy bars will be bought and I will be underway on Wednesday.

This is likely to be the last post (cue bugles…) before the big ride so this is me, signing off form my training blog. I am sure you are all looking forward to the victory post in just over a week’s time!

~ by charlottepage on July 18, 2008.

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