May – and disaster strikes!

Well things were going pretty well and Sam and I were getting out there cycling in the evenings and then…


As I cycle past two teenagers and a dog, the mutt runs out into my path. Slamming on the brakes I screech to a halt leaving dog unaware of its near death experience.  However, Sam who was behind me has nowhere to go. The nonchalant teenagers are taking up all the room. With no space to swerve Sam’s carbon fibre fork (flash git) strikes my gear change mechanism and it bends out at a rakish angle, rendering the bike useless.

Problematic – the teenagers don’t care and despite my pointing out forcefully that they should keep their dog under control on a cycle path they continue on their way with a mightily ittirating shoulder shrug. Further examination of the bike shows it to be very sick indeed. It is unrideable but we are about 8 miles from the flat on a cycle path that isn’t near a road. With no other choice but to walk we begin traipsing back towards Exeter as the sun goes down. Sam cannot drive so it is no help if he cycles back to the flat. I can’t ride Sam’s bike as the saddle is too high and I will clearly crash it (careful with the Aston).

Thankfully with a bit of skillful thinking we call one of Sam’s friends with a car who collects us from the nearest road but it has taken us about an hour to get there and it is now pretty dark. Disastersville, but worse is to come.

Examination of the bike shows that only the gear hanger is bent – good news as it is only a small part, but it proves impossible to get hold of. To cut a long story short, 3 possible hangers and 3 weeks later the bike is back on the road with only a medium-sized intake of breath at the price.

So off I go – ready to make the most of it and catch up on the cycling I have missed when…


The bike is back at the shop (since I am dense at fixing things and will only make it worse).

And that brings us up to date. The bike is now fixed and I have taken it out but seem to have gone backwards as the lack of training has taken its toll. The plan is two 55 mile rides this weekend so if I am alive and the bike is still working next week I will keep you posted…

~ by charlottepage on June 6, 2008.

One Response to “May – and disaster strikes!”

  1. Mutts and bikes really do not mix! But two 55 mile bike rides in one weekend sounds a harsh penance!
    Caroline x

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