March and all that…

Well, it looks like I haven’t done any cycling in March but that isn’t the case! I have just been very bad at updating the blog but, having reprimanded myself, I am ready to recount my adventures on two wheels…

I have done quite a bit of cycling round Bristol, particularly between Bath and Bristol on the cycle path. I went with my cousin Jon the first time and we did about 20 miles mostly on the flat. I wasn’t too bad though I did begin to get tired and whine a little. Jon attempted to adopt Sam’s tack of shouting “cadence” to motivate me but had forgotten the word so just yelled anything that came into his mind which was quite amusing. Sadly, after only 20 miles I was knackered which doesn’t bode well for the 75 mile days in July. Still, there’s time yet! (This is becoming my mantra.)

I then felt very virtuous as I have done a couple of ten mile evening rides to Topsham and back, one of which was in the rain which I felt was pretty dedicated. I really need to continue this, and now that the evenings are lighter I won’t have any more excuses which is probably for the best. The one really dispiriting thing is that the cycle path is used by lots of people who cycle to work so I am there happily going along at what I think is a reasonable speed and then I get overtaken by a young whippersnapper on a mountain bike looking nonchalant. Nothing quite like that to dent your self esteem (well, with the exception of my very attractive high vis jacket!)

Over Easter I managed a ride with the cuzza, Jon, again and my aunt and uncle along the Bristol to Bath cycle path which was really nice. It was a good leisurely ride with lunch at a pub half way (the best kind of ride in my opinion) but we went a good 16 miles so it was worth doing. They were running a steam train along the railway track so there were quite a lot of people about but not as many as the first time we went along the path and the route was lined with people wearing anoraks waiting to take a picture of the train (I’m not kidding – cameras on tripods and everything!)

On the plus side the fundraising is going well. I am now at £735 which is 67% of my target so I am very pleased. It is great to know so many people are supporting me and the cause! Must now keep going with the cycling so that I don’t let them all down and also keep going with the fundraising. Top of my priorities is giving Sam a good kick up the backside for though he has been cycling his fundraising is not really started…

Will keep you all updated with the amusing stories that occur and photos taken en route in future!

~ by charlottepage on April 2, 2008.

One Response to “March and all that…”

  1. Hi charlotte,
    blog looking good.
    See you soon
    Steve J

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